Stopping Jesus Cold

Mark 6:1-6

Jesus begins his ministry.  He teaches, like no one has ever taught before (Mk. 1:22). He heals and casts out demons and performs unprecedented mighty works (Mk. 1:27).

The public response is overwhelming.  People come from everywhere, and they come in great numbers to hear him and to see his works for themselves.

  • 1:28 – “his fame spread everywhere”
  • 1:32 – “the whole city was gathered together at the door. And he healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons.”
  • 1:48 – “Jesus could no longer openly enter a town, but was out in desolate places, and people were coming to him from every quarter.”
  • 2:12 – “they were all amazed and glorified God, saying, ‘We never saw anything like this!’”
  • 3:20 – “Then he went home, and the crowd gathered again, so that they could not even eat.”
  • 5:20 – “everyone marveled”
  • 5:24 – “And a great crowd followed him and thronged about him.”

And then Jesus comes home, back to Nazareth.  What a happy occasion! The hometown hero returns! Now his neighbors and friends can congratulate him personally and hear his remarkable teaching for themselves.  Now they too can witness the miracles done by the hand of Jesus.

So Jesus starts teaching (Mk. 6:2), and the result is sheer astonishment on the part of the hearers.  But the flavor of the astonishment is bitter, and it is played in a minor key.  It is a cold, questioning (note the 5 questions in v. 2-3), defensive response to Jesus.  Listen to them, “Where? What? How?” It is as if they were asking, “ Who does Jesus think he is?  Where did all his specialness come from? He can’t pull this over on us; we know him better than anyone.  Ultimately, he is just a carpenter.  There is nothing extraordinary about him.”

Yet his wisdom is unmistakable (“What is the wisdom given to Him?”).  His works are undeniable (“How are such mighty works done by his hands?”). This could only come from God. These are the obvious conclusions from what everyone can hear and see.

But the hometown folks do not accept His divine authority, let alone His divine origin, because they will not believe.  And the Healer will not heal people who question His identity, authority and person. Jesus is stopped cold; “he could do no mighty work there.” The sick could have been healed, but they remain sick. The lame could have walked home, but they hobble away. Sins could have been forgiven, but the burden and the guilt remains.

And what could we see Jesus do, if we would just take Him at his word? What would Jesus do in our lives, if we would just think about what He has said and what He has done and reason from the evidence of His divinity, power and faithfulness to the obvious conclusions of who He really is? What might Jesus do in your life, in your family, in your church, in your neighborhood if you will just believe in Jesus, the Son of God?

Are you praying for and waiting for Jesus to act, when in reality He is just waiting for you to believe Him? Don’t stop Jesus cold;  He is ready to perform His mighty works in you and for you. He is eagerly looking for your faith (“when Jesus saw their faith, he said…” Mk. 2:5) so that He can proceed to work His mighty works.

Let it be done for you as you have believed.   (Mt. 8:13)